Dr. Sharon Jones, Assistant Principal
Dr. Sharon Jones, Assistant Principal
E. J. Swint Elementary
Dear Swint Eagle Families,
As a life-long learner and educator, I am honored to serve as an Assistant Principal at E. J. Swint Elementary School. I have enjoyed working in Clayton County Public Schools for over 20 years at both the elementary and middle school levels.
Beginning school in the midst of a pandemic comes with its challenges; yet virtual learning is going full speed ahead. Our teachers are diligently working to make sure your child receives the best instruction. Whether remote or in-person learning, we will continuously strive to build beneficial relationships with you, our families, and help our students achieve academic success.
It is our mission to ensure that all students and families feel welcome and connected to our great school community. We believe in the potential of each student and realize we are not just preparing them for the next grade, but for the future. This preparation will include experiences that are challenging, relevant, and meets the needs of the individual student. We will toil to help every student achieve academic, behavioral, and social emotional growth and success. Eagerly, we anticipate getting to know you and your child(ren). If throughout the course of the year you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Your support has been invaluable. I look forward to us having a marvelous school year!
Dr. Sharon Jones
Assistant Principal